Support Minimum Requirements
Due to the ever-growing exploits in aging or unsupported hardware and software, Your Business Solutions clients are agreeing to keep all production systems covered under a support agreement to be at or above these specifications in order to ensure that we can provide the level of support and up time required.
Required Minimum Workstation Specs:
- CPU -
- Intel i5 or i7 5th Generation or later
- AMD A10 or later / Ryzen / FX
- Memory - 8GB
- Operating System - Windows 10 Pro
- Office 2016/365 Suite or later
- Adobe Acrobat DC or later
- Paid Business Class AV Software (Active & Updated)
- Latest Version of JAVA
- Latest Version of Adobe Flash Player
- Latest Chrome. Firefox, Internet Explorer Updates/Patches
YBS is happy to assist you in the purchasing/procurement process of any new workstations meeting or exceeding the specs below. If you plan to purchase any equipment on your own, below is what we recommend when choosing a new workstation for business use. As always, please do not hesitate to email your requests to and we will be happy to review your spec list before you make your purchase.
Recommended Workstation Specs:
- CPU - Intel i5 or i7 8th Generation or later
- Memory - 16GB
- Solid State Hard Drive
- System age less than 5 years old