Each state in the U.S. takes its own unique approach to how companies are required to handle data breach regulations. In 2018, Arizona took a look at their antiquated regulations and decide that, because they were trending toward the lesser side of toughness, to update their law.
Taking a Look at Arizona’s Data Breach Notification Law: How to Avoid Financial Loss, Losing Client Trust, and Headaches
4 Critical Cyber Security Protections EVERY Business Must Have In Place NOW To Avoid Being Hacked
Did you know the average website is attacked 94 times every day? As cybercriminals become better equipped with more advanced technology, that number will increase. Small-business websites (and small businesses, in general) are the most at risk for attack.
4 Questions Your IT Services Company Should Be Able To Say “Yes” To
Out with the old and in with the new! For far too long, small businesses have taken an old-school approach to IT services and security. In other words, they wait until something goes wrong before they call an IT services company and request help.
Back in the day (think 1990s and 2000s), this approach worked, more or less.
Making This One Mistake With Your Computer Network Could Put You Out Of Business
How do you handle network issues? If you’re like most small businesses, you wait until something breaks or goes wrong before getting an IT services company on the phone. At a glance, it makes sense. Why pay to fix something if it isn’t broken?
Sadly, this way of thinking can do more harm than good, and it has taken many businesses out of commission.
Critical IT Security Protections
The Must-Know IT Protections for Every Business—Especially the Small One
One of the most critical points we try to drive home at Your Business Solutions is this—small organizations are actually the #1 target when it comes to cybercrime.
Why Your Business Is The PERFECT Target For Hackers …
And What You Need To Do NOW To Protect Yourself
Everybody gets hacked, but not everything makes the evening news. We hear about big companies like Target, Home Depot, Capital One, and Facebook getting hacked. What we rarely hear about are the little guys – the small businesses that make up 99.7% of employers in the United States, according to the Small Business Administration.
Your First Line of Defense—It’s Time to Talk About Firewalls
The Network Security Protection You Need to Stop Ignoring
Let’s start this off bluntly. Even if you’re a small business—actually, scratch that, especially if you’re a small business—cybercriminals are going to target you.
We’ve talked before about how small businesses are the no.
A Brief Glimpse Into Cybersecurity History: Understanding How it Impacts the Future of Your Network Safety
Reminiscing on the history of cybersecurity might sound a little strange. The history of cybersecurity isn’t as deeply rooted as the history of say, other types of security—like the Wells Fargo stagecoaches in the Wild, Wild West, or the evolution of armored cars used by banks to transport large sums of money.
Small Businesses are the #1 Target for Cybercrimes: Here’s What You Can Do
It’s a common thought that the smaller the business, the less chance or likelihood that cybercrime will occur.
That thought process doesn’t just sprout from someone’s imagination, it’s born out of a very honest question that most small businesses consider—"we’re just a small business, so why would cybercriminals care about or bother with us in the first place?”
Unfortunately, small businesses are considered the #1 target for cybercrimes and attacks.
The #1 Mistake Companies Make With Their IT
If you’re like many businesses today, there’s a good chance you’ve made this one mistake with your IT security: you don’t budget for it.
Or if you do budget for it, it’s not enough to really protect your business.
Time and time again, business owners decide NOT to invest in IT services.